(Photos of the newly landed Bayspirit, Baidarka, Reval & Zegal 520.)
Due to requests from interested paddlers from Brisbane, Sunshine Coast & Bribie Island we are taking a Tahe Marine Sea Kayak demo day to Scarborough Beach, Brisbane. This is the first time Tahe Marine Sea Kayaks have been demo'd in Brisbane.
When: Sun 20th Mar '11
Time: 7am - 10am
Where: Scarborough Beach (See Map Above)
The second container of Tahe Marine kayaks have arrived!! This means we have 4 new sea kayak models, 3 of which have never before been seen in Qld. These include the Baidarka, Reval, Bay Spirit & Zegul 520. This now gives us 13 models of composite sea kayak available in the Tahe range. If you’re keen to see these new kayaks (or the Greenland, Greenland T, Sea Spirit, Reval Midi, Wind Solo, Wind 535 & Wind 585) your most welcome to join us on the Broadwater. Please give us a call to advise which kayaks you are keen to try! You can view the different models at www.adventureoutlet.com.au
For further details please contact Craig at Adventure Outlet oninfo@adventureoutlet.com.au or Ph. 07 55712929.